3 important E-Commerce SEO Tips for More Traffic

In order for an E-Commerce business to be successful in 2019, it’s essential that a SEO strategy is implemented from the get-go. E-Commerce search engine optimisation is a process whereby you optimise the content, structure, and off-site elements of your page in order to improve your website’s visibility on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

If you’re looking to start an e-commerce business in 2019, you need to be familiar with SEO techniques or have someone on your team who understands how to get seen in the search engine results pages. We’ll look at some of the most important e-commerce SEO tactics for ranking your content and receiving natural traffic in 2019.

  1. Competitor Analysis

Before you can understand what needs to be done in order to improve your SEO visibility, you first need to understand what your competitors are doing and how they have achieved this. Competitor analysis, a process whereby you reverse engineer an SEO campaign to understand exactly how a competitor has achieved their rankings is the first step towards improving your own search engine visibility. Competitor analysis is one of the most technical and difficult aspects of an SEO campaign. Unless you’ve worked on several websites in the past, it could be a good time to hire an SEO Company like Safari Digital in Adelaide to create a blueprint for your organic marketing strategy. Some of the things that you should be looking at in a competitor analysis include:

  • Keyword usage
  • Site structure
  • Backlink analysis
  • Online citations
  • Website speed
  • Competitor UX
  • Market analysis

  1. Keyword Research

Keyword research is an irreplaceable aspect of every successful SEO campaign. Many e-commerce websites fall apart because they failed to understand the importance of identifying and targeting the right keywords. Keyword research is one area where you should not be making assumptions or guesses, you need to use an SEO program that can help you identify target keywords for your niche. Some of the things that keyword research will help you to identify includes:

  • Keyword Intent
  • Keyword search volume
  • Keyword Difficulty
  • Keyword competition

For emerging e-commerce businesses, it pays to target keywords that are a relatively low competition where you can see some quick wins in the early stages of business. It takes a little while to establish the groundwork in order to be competitive with larger come up more established e-commerce businesses. Therefore, targeting low competition, low difficulty keywords is a great way to get your business off the ground.

  1. Site Structure

Whether you work with an SEO professional or a web developer, you need to understand how to create a site structure that is going to allow your business to grow. you should be able to draw a diagram of how your website looks and how users can move from one page to another. The goal is to create a site architecture that can easily be expanded to facilitate new products or new ranges as your e-commerce business continues to grow. Spend some time looking at your competitor’s websites and how it should the pages are interlinked in order to get a better understanding of how you can create aside architecture that it’s going to serve the goals of your E-Commerce business.